
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sleep Texting: Funny or A Real Problem?

I have fallen to sleep reading a book, surfing the net, and even on the phone.  Now, a new concern arises, sleep texting!  Here's a look at what it could mean for you.

technology news are you texting in your sleep?
Everyone’s heard of sleepwalking. But have you heard of sleep texting? According to sleep specialists in the U.S., it’s a very real phenomenon — and one that’s only going to become more and more commonplace.
According to doctors at the American Academy of Sleep medicine, it’s all to do with the ever-increasing role of technology in our lives. Dr. Ron Kramer says that texting — especially for those who have grown up communicating via SMS — has become “as ingrained as driving for some people.” Other experts say that smartphones spend so much time in some users’ hands that they have essentially become extensions of the fingers, as far as the mind is concerned.
Some scientists (and plenty of regular folks, no doubt) question whether sleep texting is even possible. On some phones, sending a message requires several steps before a message can even be created — including successfully launching the SMS app and selecting a contact. On others, it’s much easier. If I’ve got a conversation open on my BlackBerry, for example, I can simply bump the left
convenience button and begin typing my reply. All that’s left to do is to tap enter and my message is sent.
Functional somnambulists (sleepwalkers) are capable of doing much more than slipping out of bed and going for a short stroll. Some have been reported to perform daily chores and even have lengthy phone conversations with friends and family without ever actually waking up. If people are capable of performing actions that complex in their sleep, the handful of steps required to text on a BlackBerry seem trivial.
And it’s certainly true that people can touch type on a smartphone — even on devices like the iPhone that lack a physical keyboard. So it doesn’t really seem that far-fetched that more and more people would be dozing off with phone in hand and later sending texts as they snooze.
It’s also a good bet that the messages won’t necessarily be coherent, but that’s half the fun of texting anyways, right? Why else would sites like Damn You Autocorrect! and Parents Shouldn’t Text (warning: some NSFW textual content on those sites) be so darn much fun to read?
I remember talking with a student once who sleep texted her professor about her homework.  The next day they had to sit down and discuss whether or not she was on drugs! 
Have you ever sleep texted?  What happened? 
Feel free to comment below or join the conversation on our Twiiter page!

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